Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Should I Study: Exodus?

Exodus is a book that is rarely overlooked due to vast number of great and memorable events that occur within the 40 chapters of this book. This book contains Israel in bondage to Egypt followed by their release as a nation. We read of the journey from Egypt to Sinai where Moses would receive the commandments of God, and the final twenty-one chapters show the Ten Commandments, civil laws, the covenant between God and Israel, directions for the building of the Tabernacle and finally the Tabernacle constructed and dedicated. Who could want to overlook these events that introduced Israel as a full nation which received the commandments and a covenant with God? As exciting as this book is in the grand scheme of the Bible, we still need to answer the question, “Why should I study Exodus?”

Exodus truly introduces the sovereignty of God. We see that He is the supreme ruler over all nature through the delivering of the Ten Plagues. We see that God had power over the Pharaoh, and thus He had and still has power over all kings and nations. God had the ability and right to choose Israel as His own people and to care and defend for His people. Surely these events in the book of Exodus show us the almighty power of the God in Heaven.

The book of Exodus also shows us that God is a jealous God. The first three of the Ten Commandments make it clear that God is a jealous God and will not allow His people to worship anything or anyone else. The strange God’s that the people worshiped in Egypt, the golden calf at Sinai and all other forms of idolatry were strictly forbidden. God is still jealous over His people (the church) today as they are the bride of Christ and must remain pure for His sake (II Cor. 11:2-3)

We also see God’s care and provision for His people in Exodus. The books begin with the Israelites’ high standing with the Egyptians falling. We then see seven times where God watches over and provides for His people. God hears the cries of His people and sends Moses to help them (1:8-7:7). God shows his powers through the Ten Plagues (7:8-13:16). We see God’s love in the Passover and leading His people to Sinai (13:17-18:27). God’s righteousness is seen in the covenant and commandments given at Sinai (19:1-24:18) and His grace is seen in giving directions for building the Tabernacle where He would dwell in their midst (25:1-31:18). God’s patience is seen when He renews the covenant, even after Israel goes into apostasy in worshiping the golden calf (32:1-35:3). Finally, the glory of God is seen in the building, and dedication of the Tabernacle when His glory filled it (35:4-40:38).

The Tabernacle is also of great importance, and eleven chapters are devoted to instructions for it. These eleven chapters include directions for the structure; the materials needed; the making of the tabernacle and its furniture; how to set it up; and the glory of God filing the tabernacle. The first room, where the priests ministered daily, was representative of the church, in which all Christians are priests and offer up spiritual sacrifices to God (I Peter 2:5).The holy of holies, which was entered only by the high priest, is typical of heaven, where Christ, our high priest, has entered before us and makes intercession for us (Heb 4:14-16; Heb 7:25).

The book of Exodus appeals to the attention of many because of its story of God’s rescue of the Israelites from bondage. This book also holds beautiful pictures of God’s love and concern for His people, as well sneak peeks into of His eternal plan of redemption through things such as the Tabernacle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carl,

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