Wedding rings don't have any inherent meaning. They're just circles of some type of metal usually. I know they don't have any inherent meaning because if they did, they would stop many married men and women from doing those things that ruin the marriage relationship. Wedding rings are simply a symbol of a very important promise made between one man and one woman. I don't say all of that to imply that wedding rings have no meaning, just that the object by itself doesn't mean anything. It is the wearer's attitude towards it that makes the ring something special.
I've felt just awful without mine. I've gained the habit of covering up my ring finger where the ring would be with another finger and hoping people wouldn't notice. I doubt that many people look at my fingers when passing by me in the store, but it's the thought behind it that bothers me I suppose. It represents a promise I made to my wife and not having it makes me feel as if that promise has been violated in someway or another.
Needless to say, I'm happy to know I've got a new ring on the way.

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